Release notes v0.14.0-b0
Adding pong
September 16, 2022
Adding pong
In games usermod
updates from audio-reactive
September 8, 2022
updates from audio-reactive
merged to upstream
volume & frequency "dynamics limiter" - slower decay of sound volume in effects. Also has an effect on GEQ, as it turns on smoothing for frequency bands.
GEQ frequency scaling: None (as in SR WLED), Linear, Square Root (new default), Logarithmic.
work in progress
New option "MIC profile" - default (same table as in SR WLED), line-in (strictly "pink noise"), IMNP441 (optimized), ICS-43434 (optimized). This option causes the use of different "pink noise tables" when adjusting the frequency spectrum to human "hearing sensitivity". Pink noise calibration is very common when using hardware Equalizers. A good testcase is this Pink Noise Video.
(minor) Showing the "GEQ input gain" in percent, next to the slider value.
user-settable "Trebble Amplification" for GEQ effects. Will be placed into the Info Page, directly under "GEQ input gain".
September 6
Lessons Learnt: When upgrading WLED devices to software using the IDF 4.4.x framework, it seems that a flash erase is needed. Without this, we observed crashes whenever files were written.
Suspected cause: Lorol LittleFS (from standards framework) is not compatible with the built-in littleFS from IDF v4.4 / arduino-esp32 v2.0.4. Could be that the partition table is the problem, so a chip erase is needed to clean the table.
A new merge to mdev has been done: new environment esp32mdev_V4
so that normal compiles are not getting the new framework automatically.
updates from audioreactive-prototype
- Will merge into upstream
Json Mapping
From excel/vba via /edit and
to matrix
Files are here: JSONMappings
September 2
updates from audioreactive-prototype
Merged into upstream
Expand1D effects
- Virtual strips in 1D effects
Strip bar has been merged to upstream, strip Arc and strip Corner (as opposed to pixel Arc and Corner, see upstream) is "waiting" in upstream branch. To be added to MoonModules.
Usermod level up
each usermod got its own settings page
September 1
August 31
- drawArc using x2+y2=r2 instead of sin/cos
Weather usermod
August 29
updates from audioreactive-prototype
Merged into upstream
- Sound simulations
- Expand 1D into 2D
- Virtual strips in 1D effects
- liveview / peek 2D
- AR: reduce variables
- AR: Sound info in info panel
- Replace leds[] by sPC/gPC
- Slower fade-out in GEQ and a few other audioreactive effects.
- Audio reactive stuff:
- upgrade to latest ArduinoFFT, using 'float' instead of 'double'. Up to 8 times faster!
- configurable sound dynamics limiter, to make audioreactive effects flow with the music, and prevent "sudden flashes at onsets". A kind of 'flicker fixer'.
- improvements for UDP sound sync
- new frequency scaling options 'square root' and 'logarithmic' - GEQ shows more action in higher frequencies.